Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Can I Run Pidgin on Mac OS X?

Q. Can I install and run Pidgin instant messaging client under Mac OS X operating system?

A. Short answer - yes, if you can compile and install X server / GTK+ on Mac OS X.
Long answer - Pidgin (Gaim) is a multi-platform instant messaging client. The software has limited support for many commonly used instant messaging protocols. You need to compile and install an X server, GTK+ and its dependencies yourself. You will not get native aqua interface including installer. I strongly suggest Adium, which is a free instant messaging application for Mac OS X that can connect to AIM, MSN, Jabber, Yahoo, and more.
Fig.01: adiumx in action under Mac OS X (click to enlarge)
Fig.01: adiumx in action under Mac OS X (click to enlarge)

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