Sunday, May 20, 2012

Linux Restrict Execution of /usr/sbin/userhelper to Console Users

I'm CentOS Linux version 5.x user and I'd like to restrict execution of /usr/sbin/userhelper to console users only in xusers group?

/usr/sbin/userhelper is a helper interface to pam. From the man page:
This program provides a basic interface to change a user’s password, gecos information, and shell. The main difference between this program and its traditional equivalents is that prompts are written to standard out to make it easy for a GUI wrapper to interface to it as a child process.
Simply run the following command so that users in xusers group can use /usr/sbin/userhelper
groupadd xusers
usermod -aG xusers user1
usermod -aG xusers user2
usermod -aG xusers userN
chgrp xusers /usr/sbin/userhelper
chmod 4710 /usr/sbin/userhelper

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