Tuesday, May 1, 2012

UNIX / Linux: Find All Empty Files

How do I find out all empty file under Linux and UNIX operating systems?

The gnu find command can use as follows to print list of all empty files:
find  /path/to/dest -type f -empty
# find all empty files in /tmp directory
find /tmp -type f -empty

Find all Empty Directories

Type the following command:
find  /path/to/dest -type d -empty
# find all empty files in /tmp directory
find /tmp -type d -empty
Sample outputs:

Find Empty File And Delete Them

Type the following command:
find  /path/to/dest -type f -empty -delete
# find all empty files in /tmp directory and delete them
find /tmp -type f -empty -delete

Find Empty File Owned By A User Called vivek

Type the following command:
find  /path/to/dest -type f -empty -user vivek
# find all empty files in /tmp directory and delete them
find /tmp -type f -empty -user vivek
# find all empty files owned by vivek and delete them, in /tmp
find /tmp -type f -empty -user vivek -delete
The above commands are tested on GNU version of find and FreeBSD version of find command. Please refer to your local find command man page for exact details.

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