Monday, April 30, 2012

Adobe Photoshop Alternatives For Linux Desktop

I need Photoshop alternative under Ubuntu Linux for basic editing. I know Photoshop can be run using Wine but I'm not able to afford expensive software for just basic editing. Can you suggest a few free FOSS apps that works as alternatives to Photoshop under Ubuntu or Fedora Linux desktop operating systems?

The following is used for graphics purpose. If you are artist, illustrator, designer, business user, home user, photographer, or web designer you can use the following for image manipulation and they are similar to Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paint Shop Pro and Paint.NET software.


GIMP (The GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free software raster graphics editor. Primarily, GIMP is used as a tool for photo manipulations, such as resizing, editing, and cropping photos, combining multiple images, and converting between different image formats. GIMP can also be used to create basic animated images in the GIF format.
GIMP in Action Under Ubuntu Linux
GIMP in Action Under Ubuntu Linux

Install GIMP under Ubuntu

Simply type the following command:
# apt-get install gimp
Once installed you can open GIMP by visiting Application > Graphics > Gimp
=> Download GIMP


Krita is the bitmap graphics editor software included with the KDE based KOffice suite. Designed to be both a painting application and a photo editor, Krita is free software and distributed under GNU General Public License.
Krita in Action under KDE Destkop
Krita in Action under KDE Destkop

Install Krita under Ubuntu

Simply type the following command:
# apt-get install krita
Once installed you can open GIMP by visiting Application > Graphics > Krita
=> Download Krita


GIMPshop is a modification of the free and open source graphics program GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), intended to replicate the feel of Adobe Photoshop. Its primary purpose is to make users of Photoshop feel comfortable using GIMP.
GIMPshop In Action
GIMPshop In Action
=> Download Gimpshop

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