Monday, April 30, 2012

Linux: Find Out Apache User Name

How do I find out my apache username under Linux operating system or CentOS Linux server?

There are various methods to find out apache user name who is running httpd server

lsof command

Run the following command:
lsof -i
lsof -i | less
lsof -i | grep :http
Sample outputs:
httpd 17074     dc22    4u  IPv4 42496401       TCP (LISTEN)
httpd 17230 vivek 4u IPv4 42499206 TCP (LISTEN)
httpd 17336 jail2 5u IPv4 42499357 TCP (LISTEN)
httpd 31723 phpcgi1 4u IPv4 52573816 TCP (LISTEN)
  1. httpd (1st column) - Apache service / server name
  2. 17074 (2nd column) - Apache server PID
  3. dc22 (3rd column) - Apache server username for PID. This gives you apache username.

httpd.conf file

Another method is to go through config file httpd.conf and find out user and group name:
egrep -iw --color=auto 'user|group' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
egrep -iw --color=auto '^user|^group' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Sample oututs:
User apache
Group apache

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