Monday, April 30, 2012

FreeBSD: Benchmark The Disks Seek And Transfer Performance

How do I perform a simple and rather naive benchmark of the disks seek and transfer performance under FreeBSD operating system? How do I perform a simple measurement of the I/O read command overhead for my RAID-1 array under FreeBSD operating systems?

You need to use the diskinfo command, which displays out information about a disk device, and optionally runs a naive performance test on the device. The -t option is used for a simple performance test.

Simple Measurement Of The I/O Read

The -c option triggers a simple measurement of the I/O read command overhead, enter:
# diskinfo -c /dev/aacd0
Sample Outputs:
512 # sectorsize
299573968896 # mediasize in bytes (279G)
585105408 # mediasize in sectors
36421 # Cylinders according to firmware.
255 # Heads according to firmware.
63 # Sectors according to firmware.
I/O command overhead:
time to read 10MB block 0.062739 sec = 0.003 msec/sector
time to read 20480 sectors 1.169154 sec = 0.057 msec/sector
calculated command overhead = 0.054 msec/sector

Simple Benchmark Of The Disks

The -t option triggers a simple and rather naive benchmark of the disks seek and transfer performance, enter:
# diskinfo -t /dev/aacd0
Sample Outputs:
512 # sectorsize
299573968896 # mediasize in bytes (279G)
585105408 # mediasize in sectors
36421 # Cylinders according to firmware.
255 # Heads according to firmware.
63 # Sectors according to firmware.
Seek times:
Full stroke: 250 iter in 0.724105 sec = 2.896 msec
Half stroke: 250 iter in 0.716784 sec = 2.867 msec
Quarter stroke: 500 iter in 2.109663 sec = 4.219 msec
Short forward: 400 iter in 1.621695 sec = 4.054 msec
Short backward: 400 iter in 1.624951 sec = 4.062 msec
Seq outer: 2048 iter in 0.119046 sec = 0.058 msec
Seq inner: 2048 iter in 0.217687 sec = 0.106 msec
Transfer rates:
outside: 102400 kbytes in 0.649656 sec = 157622 kbytes/sec
middle: 102400 kbytes in 0.523038 sec = 195779 kbytes/sec
inside: 102400 kbytes in 0.745649 sec = 137330 kbytes/sec

Other Software

Bonnie++ Performance Test of Filesystem I/O : Bonnie tests the speed of file I/O using standard C library calls. It does reads and writes of blocks, testing for the limit of sustained data rate (usually limited by the drive or controller) and updates on a file (better simulating normal operating conditions and quite dependent on drive and OS optimisations).

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