Sunday, April 29, 2012

Linux / UNIX: Test Graphical Performance ( 3D Acceleration / FPS )

How do I test my graphical performance including FPS under Linux operating system? How do I find out if 3D acceleration support is included or not under Linux?

You need to use the glxgears program is a port of the "gears" demo to GLX. It displays a set of rotating gears and prints out the frame rate at regular intervals. It has become quite popular as basic benchmarking tool.
Open a terminal and type the following command:
$ glxgears
Fig.01: glxgears in action (FPS rate is displayed in background)
Fig.01: glxgears in action (FPS rate is displayed in background)
Above is a result from my Quadro FX 570/PCI/SSE2. FPS rate < 1000 means you either lack 3D acceleration support or driver is not loaded.

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