Monday, April 30, 2012

KSH For Loop Array: Iterate Through Array Values

How do I use ksh for loop to iterate thought array values under UNIX / Linux / BSD operating systems?

You can define array as follows:
set -A arrayName value1 value2 value3
For example, create an array called characters with three values as follows:
set -A characters Mugen Jin Fuu
To print first value, enter:
echo ${characters[0]}
To print 3rd and last value, enter:
echo ${characters[2]}
To print all values, enter:
echo ${characters[@]}
To count number of items in an array called characters, enter:
echo ${#characters[@]}
You can use for loop as follows to iterate through all values:
for i in ${characters[@]}; do echo "Samurai Champloo character - $i"; done
Sample outputs:
Samurai Champloo character - Mugen
Samurai Champloo character - Jin
Samurai Champloo character - Fuu
You can add two more items as follows to exiting array:

Sample Shell Script

# set array called nameservers
set -A nameservers
# print all name servers
for i in ${nameservers[@]
echo $i

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