Sunday, April 22, 2012

Linux / Unix AWK: Read a Text File

How do I read a text file using awk pattern scanning and text processing language under Linux / Unix like operating systems?

The default syntax to read a text file line-by-line using awk is as follows:
 ### note '{ print }' '{ print $0 }' '1' all are same ###
awk '{ print }' /path/to/file
awk '{}1' /path/to/file
awk '1' /path/to/file
awk '{ print $0 }' /path/to/file
awk '{}1' /etc/passwd
awk '{print $0}' /etc/hosts
awk '{print}' /etc/hosts
Sample outputs: localhost wks01
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters nas01 nas02 nas03 nfs2v nfs1v nfs1k nfs2k
The print command is used to display text on screen. The simplest form of this command:
awk '{ print }' filename
This displays the contents of the current record. However, in AWK, records are broken down into fields, and these can be displayed separately. To see 1st field, enter:
awk '{ print $1 }' filename
To see first and fourth fields of the current record, enter:
awk '{ print $1, $3 }' filename
You can set the output field separator (OFS) whose default value is a single space character using the -F option as follows:
### set OFS to : ###
### print user name, home directory and shell ###
awk -F: '{ print $1 " users home directory set to \"" $6 "\" with " $7 " as login shell" }' /etc/passwd
Sample outputs:
root users home directory set to "/root" with /bin/bash as login shell
daemon users home directory set to "/usr/sbin" with /bin/sh as login shell
bin users home directory set to "/bin" with /bin/sh as login shell
sys users home directory set to "/dev" with /bin/sh as login shell
sync users home directory set to "/bin" with /bin/sync as login shell
games users home directory set to "/usr/games" with /bin/sh as login shell
man users home directory set to "/var/cache/man" with /bin/sh as login shell
lp users home directory set to "/var/spool/lpd" with /bin/sh as login shell
mail users home directory set to "/var/mail" with /bin/sh as login shell
news users home directory set to "/var/spool/news" with /bin/sh as login shell
uucp users home directory set to "/var/spool/uucp" with /bin/sh as login shell
proxy users home directory set to "/bin" with /bin/sh as login shell
www-data users home directory set to "/var/www" with /bin/sh as login shell
backup users home directory set to "/var/backups" with /bin/sh as login shell
list users home directory set to "/var/list" with /bin/sh as login shell
irc users home directory set to "/var/run/ircd" with /bin/sh as login shell
gnats users home directory set to "/var/lib/gnats" with /bin/sh as login shell
nobody users home directory set to "/nonexistent" with /bin/sh as login shell
libuuid users home directory set to "/var/lib/libuuid" with /bin/sh as login shell
messagebus users home directory set to "/var/run/dbus" with /bin/false as login shell
Debian-exim users home directory set to "/var/spool/exim4" with /bin/false as login shell
statd users home directory set to "/var/lib/nfs" with /bin/false as login shell
avahi-autoipd users home directory set to "/var/lib/avahi-autoipd" with /bin/false as login shell
avahi users home directory set to "/var/run/avahi-daemon" with /bin/false as login shell
usbmux users home directory set to "/home/usbmux" with /bin/false as login shell
Debian-gdm users home directory set to "/var/lib/gdm3" with /bin/false as login shell
saned users home directory set to "/home/saned" with /bin/false as login shell
hplip users home directory set to "/var/run/hplip" with /bin/false as login shell
vivek users home directory set to "/home/vivek" with /bin/bash as login shell
bind users home directory set to "/var/cache/bind" with /bin/false as login shell
haldaemon users home directory set to "/var/run/hald" with /bin/false as login shell
sshd users home directory set to "/var/run/sshd" with /usr/sbin/nologin as login shell
mysql users home directory set to "/var/lib/mysql" with /bin/false as login shell
radvd users home directory set to "/var/run/radvd" with /bin/false as login shell
The commands "print" and "print $0" are identical in functionality.

Conditional awk printing

The awk syntax is as follows:
awk 'condition { action }' filename
awk '1 == /match/ { action }' filename
awk '1 == /match/ { print $0 }' filename
awk 'pattern { action }' filename
If first field match to vivek print the entire line:
$ awk -F: '1 == /vivek/ { print $0}' /etc/passwd
$ awk -F: '/vivek/ { print $0}' /etc/passwd
For more information go through awk man page:
$ man awk

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