The octal numeral system is a base 8 numeral system. It uses the numerals 0 through 7. You need to use the following bc syntax to covert number:
echo "obase=16; ibase=8; octal-number-here" | bcSample outputs:
echo "obase=16; ibase=8; 17" | bc
FYou need to set obase before ibase; otherwise you may get unexpected results:
echo "obase=16; ibase=8; 054253" | bcSample outputs:
58ABThis is wrong (yes, bc isn't smart enough to figure this out on its own; so make sure you set obase before ibase):
echo "ibase=8; obase=16; 054253" | bcSample outputs:
Printf command example
You can also use the printf command as follows:$ printf "%x\n" 0306
Sample output:
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