Monday, April 23, 2012

Linux / UNIX: HowTo Empty Directory

How do I empty a directory (delete all files) under Linux / Unix without deleting directory itself?

You can use the following commands:
[a] rm command - Delete one or more files or directories.
[b] find command - Find and delete all files from a specific directory.

Linux Empty Directory Using the rm Command

Consider the following directory structure:
To delete all files from /tmp/foo/ directory (i.e. empty /tmp/foo/ directory), enter:
$ cd /tmp/foo/
$ rm *

$ rm /tmp/foo/*

Delete All Files Using the Find Command

Consider the following directory structure:
| |---file1.doc
| |---file2.doc
To delete all files from /tmp/bar/ directory (including all files from subdirectories such as /tmp/bar/dir1), enter:
$ cd /tmp/bar/
$ find . -type f -delete

$ find /tmp/bar/ -type f -delete
The above find command will delete all files from /tmp/bar/ directory. It will not delete any sub-directories.

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