Friday, April 27, 2012

UNIX / Linux: Delete All Files Using rm Command

How do I delete all files in UNIX or Linux stored in /home/you/letters/ directory?

In order to remove a file, you need to use the ls command to list the contents of the directory and find the filename you want to remove. For example, if yoy have a file or files in the /home/you/letters/ directory that you want to delete from the system. Type the following command to change the directory:
$ cd /home/you/letters
List the contents of the directory, run:
$ ls
$ ls -l
$ ls -l | less
To delete all files, enter:
$ rm *
$ /bin/rm *
To remove a directory, use the rmdir command, run:
$ cd /home/you
$ rmdir letters

To remove a directory called /tmp/foo/ and all its files including subdirectories, use the rm command as follows:
$ rm -rf /tmp/foo/

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